How to create Google account without sms
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Vectort13 video instruction:

If you prefer texts, read the instruction below.
You need to download and install Antidetect Patreon Premium Edition (detailed manual here).
Step 1. Create new virtual machine:
1.1) choose the name and OS parameters (Windows 10)
1.2) choose antifraud preset "Google"
1.3) choose the path to your .iso file
1.4) set memory size
1.5) click "Create" twice
Step 2. System settings
2.1) Processor (2 cores or more, depending on the capacity of your hardware)
2.2) USB 2.0
2.3) Antidetect. Click "Smart Random".
2.4) click on the "RAM" tab and set configuration depending on memory size you chose in the previous step
2.5) add USB ports
2.6) click "Misk Hardware" and choose models of keyboard and mouse
2.7) go to "Network" and type mac addresses of your machine and router. Pay attention that you only need to add some symbols (can be random).
Step 3. Virtual machine installation
3.1) press "Start". Installation is completely automatic. All the drivers will be installed automatically either.
3.2) after the installation process is completed, you can set your screen resolution to larger.
Attention! Do not change size of text because it can affect the operation of the antifraud system.
Step 4. Proxy settings
4.1) insert guest additions CD and open it:
4.2) find "tune2socks" archive in the "TOOLS" folder. Drag it to the virtual machine desktop and unarchive it.
4.3) find good proxies, go to your virtual machine settings and set the time zone of your proxy. Click "syncronise". If, for example, the city of ypur proxy is Wimmington (USA, Ohio), then set your time zone to "-5"
4.4) open the "start" file in the Notepad, turn on shared clipboard, then copy your proxy ip and port
4.5) open the command line, set the path to the "tun2socks" folder and run "start.bat" from the command line.
4.6) wait until the process of proxy checking starts. You should see something like the following:
Then open Microsoft Edge and create Google account. This is the basic procedure, but you do not need to enter a phone number. If something goes wrong, try to change your proxy or repeat the whole procedure over again.